1. Events
  2. Veerle Phara & Yves / Temple of Earth

Veerle Phara & Yves / Temple of Earth

In 2018, Veerle Phara & Yves are the founders of the Temple of the Earth in Aljezur, Portugal. Veerle Phara has been initiated into a multitude of indigenous lifeways and healing practices. She offers movement, yoga, healing and nature facilitation like sweatlodges, initiations and ceremonies to support Women embody who they really are and bring them back to their source. Yves draws on indigenous traditions to offer healing ceremonies, personal consultation and empowering of Men.

They are both fire keepers, sweat lodge facilitators and shamanic practitioners from the Heart. Together, they dance in the joy of sacred union. Their mission: bring people back to their authentic heart energy. Dare to Live and Follow the Path of Your Heart.

‘In each heart there is a deep, spiritual longing to a sustainable and firm faith, a positive strong faith, that makes us believe in a magical existence. An authentic faith that anchors our being. A lot of young people miss this firm anchor for their soul. Let us arise together to a higher dimension so we can help our children and the ones near us to find this anchor… Aho.” **************  
For full info, please check their website www.templeoftheearth.org