Hatha Flow Yoga with Åsa
Hatha Flow Yoga: This class starts with movement and a more dynamic flow to warm up the body and ignite fire energy. Following this is a meditative part where we hold the asanas for longer in order to let them work on a deeper level, on the energy body, the facia and the endocrine system. This class could also be described as a Yang to Yin class working to both energise and strengthen as well as calm and centre body and mind. Suitable for everyone.
Yoga Stretch with Isabel
Characteristics: Yoga Stretch is a concept in which certain postures are used to stretch all the joints and muscles in the body. A very popular class, open for all that know how far they can go in the various deep stretches. Benefits: It’s a unique technique for creating flexibility, loosening of the joints, and muscle toning. The glands are stimulated.
Cacao Ceremony with Paula
inLight Yoga Studio Lagos Travessa do Forno 4, LagosJoin us on April 28th for a transformative Cacao Ceremony - a time for deep connection, healing, and heart-opening intentions.