Ashtanga Yoga Led Primary Series with Isabel
This is a rigorous style of yoga where every movement is linked to a breath. Previous Ashtanga yoga experience is strongly recommended for this sweaty, physically most demanding practice in order to benefit from this class. The class is taught as a Led Primary Series. Benefits: This system’s goal is to detoxify the body through the heat generated and the increase of metabolic rhythms, reviewing negative postures or tendencies in order to optimize the quality of our thoughts and emotions with a calm mind more apt to meditation. Props: a foldable blanket, if possible also a yoga belt, 2 blocks and a round bolster.
Hatha Flow Yoga with Åsa
Hatha Flow Yoga: This class starts with movement and a more dynamic flow to warm up the body and ignite fire energy. Following this is a meditative part where we hold the asanas for longer in order to let them work on a deeper level, on the energy body, the facia and the endocrine system. This class could also be described as a Yang to Yin class working to both energise and strengthen as well as calm and centre body and mind. Suitable for everyone.
Yoga Stretch with Isabel
Characteristics: Yoga Stretch is a concept in which certain postures are used to stretch all the joints and muscles in the body. A very popular class, open for all that know how far they can go in the various deep stretches. Benefits: It’s a unique technique for creating flexibility, loosening of the joints, and muscle toning. The glands are stimulated.
Embodiment Flow with Cony
Reconnecting with your Body. Learn to be present for everything you feel, energy expansion, turning up and turning towards. This Embodiment flow class is a blend of Hatha yoga, Somatics, movement meditations, Tantric philosophy, and Yoga Psychology, stepping into flow as meditation in action. We invite you to enjoy this beautiful class as an Invitation into the deepest felt sense of Self.
Yin Yoga with Åsa
The rather quiet Yin Yoga class is perfect for an evening practise to allow body and mind to unwind after a busy day. Through passive long held poses, we get into our deep connective tissues, joints and deep emotional held memories. The meridians running through our body are stimulated in this grounding and letting go practice. Open to all. This class strengthens your energy flow (prana, chi) and maintains the health of your energetic meridian system and is deeply relaxing.
Hatha Yoga with Cony
This Hatha Yoga class starts with movement and a more dynamic flow to warm up the body and ignite fire energy. Following this is a meditative part where we hold the asanas for longer in order to let them work on a deeper level, on the energy body, the facia and the endocrine system. This class could also be described as a Yang to Yin class working to both energise and strengthen as well as calm and centre body and mind. Suitable for everyone.
Early Morning Flow with Åsa
Early Morning Flow is an uplifting flow that is perfect for raising and balancing energy levels at the start of the day. The practice starts with a thorough warmup of the body that is followed by a sun salutation sequence and rounds off with a few longer holding asanas.
Vinyasa Flow with Becca
Vinyasa Flow helps to build strength and endurance in your physical practice, creating heat through flowing, linking movements. In the second part of the class we balance dynamic movement with longer held stretches to release the muscles we have worked on. Becca emphasises connection with the breath and postural alignment based on your felt experience rather than the aesthetic look of your practice.
Gentle Yoga with Isabel
Gentle Yoga Characteristics: A gentle yet energetic way to distress and revitalize the body and mind. Suitable for everyone. Benefits: On the physical level this practice improves i.a. balance and flexibility, increases strength and life force. Furthermore, it stimulates the digestive, nervous, and endocrine system. Benefits on other levels include a deeper sense of awareness, increased self-confidence and well-being as well as a calm and integrated mind. Add
Ashtanga Yoga Led Primary Series with Isabel
Ashtanga Yoga was introduced in the modern world by the Indian Sri Patthabi Jois in the 1970s and comprises of series of fixed asana sequences that synchronize respiration with the movement. It’s a rigorous style of yoga where every movement is linked to a breath. This is a sweaty, physically most demanding practice. Previous Ashtanga yoga experience is strongly recommended in order to benefit from this class. NB: This class is taught as a Led Primary Series. Benefits: This system’s goal is to detoxify the body through the heat generated and the increase of metabolic rhythms, reviewing negative postures or tendencies in order to optimize the quality of our thoughts and emotions with a calm mind more apt to meditation.
Hatha Yoga with Åsa
Hatha yoga is the yoga tradition most familiar to Western culture. The term is derived from the Sanskrit ha, meaning “sun,” and tha, meaning “moon.” The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Practitioners of Hatha yoga use physical alignment and breathing control to achieve an equilibrium between the active body and its universe. The resulting harmony manifests itself as physical strength, physiological health and emotional well-being. Suitable for all. Benefits: On the physical level this practice improves i.a. balance and flexibility, increases strength and life force. Furthermore, it stimulates the cardiopulmonary function, the digestive, nervous, and endocrine system. Benefits on other levels include a deeper sense of awareness, increased self-confidence and well-being as well as a calm and integrated mind.
Strong slow flow with Julie
Gentle flow yoga: This flow class utilizes the Forest yoga principles, Breath, Strength, Integrity, and Spirit. A combination of slow Vinyasa and Forest yoga expect to build both strength and flexibility. Bringing aliveness, using breath, into every cell of the body thus igniting a passion for living, beyond the mat and into the rest of your life. In Forest inspired Flow poses are held for longer giving each pose time to weave its magic, helping to flush, oxygenate and rejuvenate every cell in the body, it gets you strong and centered by connecting you to your core. This flow is suitable to all levels as it requires neither strength or flexibility, it only requires that you bring a willingness to learn how to feel authentically and intuitively as we tailor the poses to suit our individual bodies and various levels.